Sunday, July 25, 2010

Quinn meets Griffin and Bode!

We were so happy that Anna and Griffin came to town for a visit. Griffin was born one week before Quinn, but he is one month gestation older than Quinn. It was fun comparing stories with Anna. Little Griff is so precious and cute! We are so happy for the Dunns, but wish they lived closer so we could see them all the time!

Macare holding Griffin

Quinn looks mischievous in this picture, and Griffin looks very content.

Asleep in my little lamb swing

Quinn's other boyfriend, Bode. He is 11 weeks old... Quinn is only 1 week old in this picture. 

Traverse Dental Mascots

First Walk Down Town~

Quinn's first walk!

Walking with Dust down town. 

In my hat from Kate, she slept the whole time down town:) 

She does a lot of sleeping.... especially during the day;) 

Wish she was this sleepy during the night!

Mom's first glass of wine on the porch since last November. YUM

Second cousins Kendal and Jaden visit Quinn!

Bath Time!

Dust and I gave Quinn her first bath.... and she seemed to really like it. We swaddled her in a blanket and placed her in the warm water. She may be the new water baby, just like her cousin, Rose. With her monster size feet maybe she'll be a good swimmer.

Check it out, I have the same chin as my Dad!

Mommy giving me my first Manicure. I love it!

After her bath she totally blew it out in her new clean towel before we could put a diaper on her. Dust and I could not stop laughing... it was hilarious. 

Hospital Stay and Finally Going Home!

It's amazing how little we knew about caring for a new born. The nurses and staff and Munson did a great job helping us learn the ropes as first time parents. The sleep deprivation is amazing! 

sleeping with Mommy

trying to burp, but i can't hold my head up!

here is my "going home outfit" even though it's way too big!

Daddy about to go and get the car for me and Mommy!

Quinn: "You are sending me home with these two people?"

Finally, after four days, we are headed home! 

Good thing we got the Yukon when we did!

Our Myriad of Visitors!

Quinn doesn't realize how lucky and popular she is already.... Here are some pics of all of our awesome friends and family. We tried to get photos of all of her visitors, sorry if we missed you!

                                                    Our NICU nurse confidant, Tricia
Jeff, the only guy to visit our house by himself.... a true natural:) 

Michelle and Mary
Aunt Kristin

Cousin Lora

Buddy MacKenzie

Future Momma Jenna

Kate, My Future Teacher? Maybe if you move to the East Side;)

Definitely my future teacher.... Lindsay

Great Grandpa Kelly

Great Grandma Bartnick

Great Grandma Kelly

Neighbors Katie and Brian

Quinn doesn't realize how lucky she is to have such amazing Grandparents!

Grandma Lumbrezer, my future personal massage therapist!

Grandma Kelly, my future personal nanny!

Grandpa Kelly, future fly fishing guide!

Grandpa Lumbrezer, I'll eat so many meals at your table. 

Our Little Girl Arrives Early!!

As most of you already know, our little girl, Quinn Kelly Lumbrezer, arrived early on July 9th, 2010. Our OB reminded us that this would not be last time that "the little turkey" threw us for a loop. It all started on July 1st when our doctor informed us that the baby was breech and therefore if she didn't turn, which was highly unlikely this late into pregnancy, I would need to deliver her via c-section. Also, they noted that if I went into labor early, I would have an emergency c-section.

On Wednesday, July 7th, I woke up at 1:30 am with the most intense heart burn of my life. I figured it was fall out from my spicy dinner the night before with Ann and Jerry... they treated us to a delish dinner at Pearls, a cajun creole restaurant in Elk Rapids. I was in agony with widespread burning of my entire abdomen and nausea until 6 am when I finally called Tricia Adams, a NICU nurse and good friend. I wanted to make sure I was not in labor! I didn't feel like I was having contractions, but after Tricia recommended I go to the hospital to get things checked out, Dust and I headed into Munson to get hooked up to the monitors. I was in fact having contractions, according to their monitors, but the OB and nurses said it may be early/false labor and uterine irritability from the spicy food... so the old wives tales are somewhat true regarding spicy food inducing labor! They gave me the choice to stay in the hospital or go home to see if the symptoms go away. We decided to go home and rest, and I felt much better that night.

I returned to work the next day and felt great, aside from diffuse "crampiness" on Thursday night. I figured it was just soreness from my painful previous day. We had a low key night although we wanted to make a trip to the cherry festival beer tent to hang with friends... some little voice inside of me told me I should get my rest though, so we didn't end up going down town.

Friday, July 9, at 3am, I awoke to my water breaking. I knew instantly what happened and told Dusty "my water broke." I think that he shot up out of bed the fastest I have ever seen. We both took showers, grabbed the car seat and made our way to the hospital. Of course, we didn't have a bag packed! But this time, I knew it was the real deal. It was nice because there was not any traffic, and all of the lights through town were blinking yellow... it made for a fast trip to Munson!

Dust dropped me off at the emergency room front door, and then ran back from the parking lot to walk with me to maternity triage. Soon after arriving, they confirmed that my water had broken, the baby was still breech, and that I would need a c-section asap. It was a lot of info to take in, but Dust and I were surprisingly calm given the fact that we were about to become parents! Dr. Madion was on call and he made us feel much better about everything that was happening... I'll save you the details, but after prepping me for surgery, our little girl was born at 5:23 am! I'll never forget Dusty saying to me.... "it's a girl!!" and then shortly after that "she's perfect!" I'm not sure what my reaction was, but I know I had tears in my eyes and a huge smile on my face when I realized I was going to be a mother to a perfect little girl!

                                                             You can tell she was breech because of her legs!
First Family Photo!
Proud Daddy
Bath from the nurses
not so happy
Almost 5 lbs 10 oz - a little peanut!